Partner with BJU to fill your personnel needs!

Rigorous academic preparation combined with intentional Christian character development produces superior interns and employees:

Problem Solvers

Team Players


Work Ethic



CareerCentral is the BJU job board for our students and alumni. It is free to use for businesses. Post full-time, part-time, and summer/temporary positions as well as internship opportunities.

Recruit your next employee at our annual Career Fair. It is attended by over 400 students looking for internships and full-time jobs.  
Note:  This event is not for Christian schools.

Next Career Fair:
February  11-13, 2025

or call us at (864) 770-1313

Reserve a display table in our Student Center for a morning, an afternoon, or all day and meet our students. We will post an announcement and send an email blast to targeted majors.

or call us at (864) 770-1313


Christian School Recruitment Conference

Next Conference: November 11-12, 2024

Call or email for more information. You may also post your opportunity on BJU’s Career Central.

or call us at (864) 770-1313

The BJU Seminary hosts a Church Staffing job board to assist churches in filling roles in preaching and pastoring, administration, associate ministries, worship or music, and leadership for children’s, youth, and young adult ministries.

The best opportunity to recruit students for summer ministries is at the REACH Ministry Emphasis Week hosted by the BJU Center for Global Opportunities each fall.

or call the CGO at (864) 546-4540

Mission organizations reaching the world with the gospel may wish to recruit at the REACH Ministry Emphasis Week hosted by the BJU Center for Global Opportunities each fall.

or call the CGO at (864) 546-4540


"Internships let you test out a potential employee while making a significant impact on a young professional"

Nearly all of BJU’s over 65 majors offer opportunities for students to participate in an internship.  Click HERE for a complete list of BJU’s undergraduate majors.

  • Interns are a year-round source of highly motivated pre‐professionals
  • They bring new perspectives to old problems
  • The visibility of your organization is increased on the BJU campus
  • Internships are a proven, cost‐effective way to recruit and evaluate potential employees
  • You can find quality candidates for temporary or seasonal positions and projects
  • Interns can free up your professional staff to pursue more creative projects
  • Interns are a flexible, cost‐effective work force not requiring a long‐term employer commitment
  • Your image in the community is enhanced as you contribute your expertise to educating the future workforce

Approved Internships will contain the following elements:

  1. The internship must take place in a structured work environment (cannot be remote or virtual).
  2. A typical internship requires a minimum of 120 work hours and must be minimum 6 weeks in length.
  3. Each intern is supervised/mentored by a professional in his/her respective field.
  4. Each intern’s work will be evaluated by his/her work supervisor (an evaluation form will be provided).
  5. Each intern will develop learning objectives and should communicate these learning objectives to their supervisor at the start of the internship.
  1. Post the opportunity on BJU’s CareerCentral job board
  2. Consider coming to the annual Career Fair in February
  3. Reach out to the Career Services staff anytime for guidance or answers to your questions:  [email protected] or 864-770-1313  We are glad to help you to maintain an established internship program or to start with your first intern! 

Should I pay an intern?

Except for specific limited circumstances the federal government requires all interns be paid at least minimum wage. Most students are also paying for college.  We recommend you pay a competitive wage in order to attract the best candidates away from other jobs.

Can I hire an intern to provide us with expertise that we are lacking (e.g. marketing, social media, web design, etc.)?

A true internship involves a professional in the field mentoring the student during the internship.  If there is no one qualified to do this, we recommend that you list the opportunity as a part-time job rather than an internship.


Find your future company leadership at BJU