Career Central

24/7 Job Board for the BJU Community

  • Post a resume, cover letter, references, writing samples, etc.
  • Review and respond to job and internship opportunities
  • Receive email updates on saved job searches 
  • Create a resume with Resume Builder
  • Record a Mock Interview
  • Post job and internship opportunities
  • Review resumes
  • Network 
  • Post a resume, cover letter, references, writing samples, etc.
  • Review and respond to job and internship opportunities
  • Receive email updates on saved job searches
Student User Agreement

All students must read and agree to abide by the Student User Agreement before logging into Career Central.

I agree to:

  • Accurate Information: Provide accurate and honest information on my Career Central profile, resume, and all job search documents and in my interactions with employers.
  • Professional Conduct: Notify the employer in a timely manner of an acceptance or non-acceptance of an offer. Once I accept an offer, I will remove my resume from resume books. I understand that it is unethical to accept a job or internship and then back out of an offer. I will advise the BJU Career Services manager of any extenuating circumstances that may cause me to re-evaluate my job/internship acceptance.
  • Use of BJU Career Central: The use of Career Central for job searching is limited to current BJU students and graduates.
  • Job Postings: Bob Jones University does not necessarily endorse or guarantee the positions found on Career Central and is not responsible for safety, security, wages, working conditions or other aspects of employment.
    • Candidates are urged to thoroughly review job postings and use caution and common sense during the networking process. Do not disclose social security numbers, credit card information, or bank account numbers to prospective employers. Typically, a social security number is not shared until one enters the formal, written application process.
    • Positions posted on the NACElink job board  are independent of the Career Central approval process and are not reviewed for posting.
  • Consequences for Non-Compliance: Accept that failure to comply with this agreement may result in the removal of my privileges with Career Services and Career Central.

Non-Endorsement Statement:

It is understood that Bob Jones University does not necessarily endorse or guarantee the positions found on Career Central and that Bob Jones University is not responsible for safety, security, wages, working conditions or other aspects of employment.  We are merely providing a networking service for BJU students and graduates who are seeking employment opportunities.

Candidates should exercise good judgment to determine if the organization and position align with their beliefs and values, as well as research the soundness and integrity of the organization, the specifics of the position, and if abroad, any risks involved with international employment.

The Career Services office reserves the right to refuse to post, or to remove from posting, any positions that are not consistent with the mission and values of Bob Jones University.

Employer User Agreement

All employers must read and agree to abide by the Employer User Agreement before logging in to Career Central.

I agree to:

  • Supply accurate information about my organization and employment opportunities.
  • Post only positions in Career Central that are legitimate employment or internship opportunities. Career Central may be used only to post positions available with your organization. Employment/staffing agencies may post positions they are seeking to fill for their clients. The BJU Center for Career & Calling reserves the right to refuse to post, or to remove from being posted, any positions that are not consistent with the mission and values of Bob Jones University.
    • Faith-Based Organizations—Musical Style: Bob Jones University is well known for its conservative, traditional approach to Christian music. Our graduates are generally in sympathy with our standards and practice and would therefore not be compatible with a ministry that regularly uses rock-style contemporary Christian music.
    • Direct Sales or Other Types of Multi-Level Marketing: Representatives may not participate in Career Central or other types of campus recruiting. This includes recruiting sales representatives for cosmetics, vacuum sweepers, knives, toys, vitamins, kitchen utensils, etc.
  • Handle with confidentiality all student and alumni information. Resumes or information about students or alumni will not be shared with other parties without the applicant’s consent.
  • Use professional conduct, refraining from any practice that improperly influences and affects job acceptances (i.e., undue time pressure for acceptance of employment offers or encouragement of revocation of another employment offer), and I will strive to communicate employment decisions to candidates within the agreed-upon time frame.
  • Protect my password to maintain the confidentiality of my information.
    • Note: You are responsible for all uses of your registration. If others use your password to post inappropriate material on the site, you risk losing access to the site. Contact the Center for Career & Calling immediately if you suspect any unauthorized use of your registration and password.
  • Accept the consequences for non-compliance. Failure to comply with this agreement may result in the removal of my privileges in Career Central.

Non-Endorsement Statement

It is understood that Bob Jones University is not recommending the individuals who are seeking
employment through Career Central. We are merely providing a networking service to our students and alumni who are seeking employment opportunities. Employers should be sure to check references before extending an offer of employment.

Alumni User Agreement

All alumni must read and agree to abide by the Alumni User Agreement before logging into
Career Central.

I agree to:

  • Accurate Information: Provide accurate and honest information on my Career Central profile, resume, and all job search documents and in my interactions with employers.
  • Professional Conduct: Notify the employer in a timely manner of an acceptance or
    non-acceptance of an offer. Once I accept an offer, I will remove my resume from resume books. I understand that it is unethical to accept a position and then back out of the offer. I will advise the BJU Career Services manager of any extenuating circumstances that may cause me to re-evaluate my job acceptance.
  • Use of BJU Career Central: Use of Career Central for job searching is limited to current BJU students and graduates.
  • Job Postings:  Bob Jones University does not necessarily endorse or guarantee the positions found on Career Central and is not responsible for safety, security, wages, working conditions or other aspects of employment.
    • Candidates are urged to thoroughly review job postings and use caution and common sense during the networking process. Do not disclose social security numbers, credit card information, or bank account numbers to prospective employers. Typically, a social security number is not shared until one enters the formal, written application process.
    • Positions posted on the NACElink job board are independent of the Career Central approval process and have not been reviewed.
  • Consequences for Non-Compliance: Accept that failure to comply with this agreement may result in the removal of my privileges with Career Services and Career Central. In addition, BJU reserves the right to deny alumni access to Career Central who are not in good standing with the University.

Non-Endorsement Statement:

It is understood that Bob Jones University does not necessarily endorse or guarantee the positions found on Career Central and  is not responsible for safety, security, wages, working conditions or other aspects of employment.

Career Services reserves the right to refuse to post, or to remove from posting, any positions on Career Central that are not consistent with the mission and values of Bob Jones University.